Our Mission

Orphan Appeal is a UK registered charity (Charity number 1197288). We protect and support children and young people. We do this by providing practical and emotional care and support. We make sure their voices are heard. And we campaign to bring lasting improvements to their lives.

Intervention. Anyone can get trapped in poverty, abuse or violence. When we spot problems, we take action early. We step in to help children, young people and families before things get worse.

Prevention. We give young people the support they need to grow up safe and happy. Projects like ours teach important life skills and help to build resilience. It’s simple and it works.

Advocacy. Children don’t have a say in many things that affect their lives. We listen to what they want. We take their concerns to the government. And we campaign for better support and resources.


Types of charities and donations

We accept Zakat Ul Fitr, Ramadan food, Fidyah and Sadaqah(general charity). Please just specify your choice when you make the donation and our accountant will make sure the funds are put through to the cause of your choice.

What is Zakat Ul Fitr?

An obligation to purify and share the celebrations of Eid with destitute members of society at the end of Ramadan.

Possessing the same meaning as Iftar, Fitr refers to the breaking of one’s fast. Zakat-al-Fitr therefore refers to the charity given at the end of Ramadan’s last fast. It is compulsory for every Muslim to give Zakat-al Fitr before Eid Salah (Festival prayers). Charity is usually given in the form of food, but Islamic scholars have agreed that a cash equivalent is also permissible.

For Muslims, Zakat-al-Fitr brings two major benefits: it helps the poor who may not have been able to engage in the Eid celebrations and also provides the one who has fasted with an opportunity to purify any errors made during the month of Ramadan.


What is Ramadan Food?

Your Zakat donations can provide those most deserving a monthly care package of nutritious food. People living in developing countries such as Pakistan, Syria, Yemen, Rohingya and Bangladesh, particularly those in rural areas are some of the most deserving…

Rewards for donations

‘A’isha said, “A woman came to me who had two of her daughters with her. She asked me for something, but I could not find anything except for a single date which I gave her. She divided it between her daughters and then got up and left. The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, came in and I told him what had happened. He said, ‘Whoever looks after these girls in any way and is good to them will have them as a veil from the Fire.'”


The prophet peace be upon him said (the one who looks after the widow or a poor person is like mujahid ” a warrior ” who fights for the cause of Allah or like him performs prayers all night and fast all the day) in the holly month of Ramadan.


Umm Sa’id bint Murra al-Fihri related from her father that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, “I and the guardian of an orphan will be in the Garden like these two.” (His two fingers)


A man once came to the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu`alaihiwasallam, and complained that he feels hardness in his heart. The Messenger of Allah said, what translated means, “Would you like that your heart becomes soft and that you acquire what you need? Be merciful with the orphan, pat his head and feed him from what you eat. This will soften your heart, and enable you to get what you need.” [At-Tabaraanee & As-Silsilah as-Saheehah]


Would you like Allah Subhanahuwata`alaa to remove one of your griefs on the Day of Judgment? “Whoever removes a worldly grief from a believer, Allah will remove from him one of the griefs of the Day of Judgment” [Saheeh Muslim]

Donation Policy

They feed the hungry, treat the sick and educate the child. It’s for this reason Orphan Appeal Trust runs a 100% donations policy.

A 100% donations policy means every single penny donated is used strictly for charitable efforts. Donations go into a ‘charity-only’ bank account from which nothing is removed for fundraising or administration
costs. Whether £1 or £100 therefore, every little helps!

Public Notes and Complaints Procedure

Orphan Appeal endeavors to be entirely responsible to all our supporters and recipients in carrying out the imperative work we do. That’s why we need to listen to any concerns or complaints you’ll need to take suitable action.

A range of significance to us is shielding. We take our duty to protect our beneficiaries and helpless individuals against abuse and manhandle of control exceptionally seriously.

If you have got any concerns – relating to defending concerns or something else – or if you want to form a complaint, if it’s not too much trouble total the shape underneath or e-mail us at: info@orphan-appeal.co.uk


Are you a registered charity?

Yes, we are a registered charity in England and Wales. Our charity number is 1197288. You can find us on the charity commission website using the following: https://register-of-charities.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-search/-/charity-details/5187956/charity-overview

Do you operate on a 100% donation policy?

Orphan Appeal guarantees a 100% donations policy after transactions fees which are generaly below 3% or so of the donation.All donations received are spent solely for what they were intended for. Not a single penny is deducted for administration, marketing or for any other purpose. We receive donations specifically for these purposes. Our accountants help us manage gift aid to help fund our administration costs.

How do you cover your administration costs?

All the charity’s operational costs are covered by donations specified for administration. The charity has a separate account for its administration fund to ensure the 100% donations policy is maintained. The charity also covers its administration costs via the gift aid scheme, this allows taxpayers to increase the value of their donation by 25%.

What makes Orphan Appeal different?

Our Orphan Appeal team have personally visited and distributed aid to many of the countries mentioned in our projects. Our team always aim to visit the areas to gain a better understanding into what help is needed and have distributed aid in Sudan, Bangladesh, India, Lesvos (Greece), Turkey, Syria and Gaza. These experiences have given our teams a unique insight into the living conditions of the most needy and what they need in the short and long term. Our trustees also regularly make follow up visits to these areas in order to ensure that the projects have been implemented and your donations have been spent as requested by you, the donor.

We operate on a 100% donation policy which means the full amount of your donation will go to the intended beneficiaries. We only use your “Gift Aid” donations and donations specified for admin, to cover our administration costs. Any surplus Gift aid donations are transferred into our relief account.

We always aim to operate in a transparent way and ensure to provide our donors with regular feedback of videos, pictures and yearly accounts of expenditure and reports.

Do you accept clothing, food and medical aid?

Yes, we collect clothing if they are in excellent condition. We also collect tinned food and medical aid. We cannot accept medicine that is prescribed for a specific individual. All goods collected are sent directly to the poor and needy and nothing is sold or recycled. 

I want to host an event, can you provide me with support?

Yes, we can. Please email us at info@orphan-appeal.co.uk or call +44 75 7831 0672 and we will be able to assist you.

Do I need a permission letter to fundraise for your charity?

No, not normally, unless you’re fundraising in a public place and the local authority requests it. If you are inviting speakers to an event then the charity will need to be notified as we have a speakers policy. But please do let us know about any public fundraising event, just in case we get asked about it by other members of the public and we can also help promote it.

If you’re fundraising on private property, you may need permission from the property owner. If you’re still not sure, you can always contact us to check.

Do you only help Muslims?

We distribute aid to anyone in need irrespective of their race, religion or faith and our priority is to target the worst-hit areas and provide long term humanitarian support such as food, clothing, shelter and education.

Can I have a receipt for my donation?

Yes. Please ask at the time of donating, or if you may have made a donation directly to our bank account then please email us as soon as your donation has been processed providing all the details, and our team will issue a receipt via post or email as requested.

Can I see your accounts?

All our accounts are submitted to the charities commission on an annual basis. You can view the accounts by visiting the charities commissions website